Consulting Services
About the book
The Legal Institute for Sales Strategies
Meet Kristine

Kristine L. Collins has twenty years of selling experience within the legal and training industries as well direct sales to Fortune 500 companies. She brings a unique legal background from law firm management and finance, including the practice areas of bond financing and transactional real estate, to expertise in law firm marketing and business development training programs for attorneys. Within the past ten years, she has achieved a reputation as a "troubleshooter", improving sales or initiating start-up sales groups for both challenging markets and/or new companies-particularly those owned or run by attorneys.

Recognizing the business challenges faced by law firms and their member attorneys to drive for new revenue, she realized that the talent and skills actually lay right within the firm itself. Over a period of time, she has developed proven methods of developing "attorney sales stars" through training and key secrets that have been utilized by corporate America for many years.

She is revolutionizing sales success with these methods and a proven track record within a business base educating law firms and the way they understand and do business.

A member of The Lawson Group LLC.