Consulting Services
About the book
The Legal Institute for Sales Strategies
Meet Kristine

"Selling" is no longer a dirty word for legal professionals, but a necessary one. Attorneys who can learn the skills that produce new clients and retain existing ones clearly occupy rarified space. Collins Consulting Group specializes in helping attorneys develop these skills. Drawing on over 20 years of selling experience within the legal and training industries as well direct sales to Fortune 500 companies, Collins Consulting Group tailors sales training programs that are well-defined for the legal profession. These programs reflect the decorum befitting the profession, and generate the results that are long overdue.

Recent Developments
Salesmanship for Attorneys: Building your practice using successful sales strategies from corporate America

Salesmanship for Attorneys
presents many of Kristine Collins' dynamic concepts for marketing in the legal profession

How Attorneys Can Learn To Sell
Watch Video

ReedLogic produces seminars created by the world's top lawyers and C-Level executives (CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO, Partner). Each speaker has been carefully chosen through an exhaustive selection process by the ReedLogic Speaker Board to lead a seminar. Each speaker is individually selected based on his or her experience, research and standing within the business community. Production and selection is also based heavily on recommendations from previous speakers, who include Chairs from more than 70 percent of the largest 200 law firms and executives from GE, Wal-Mart, Coke, FedEx, IBM, American Express, UPS, Duke Energy and hundreds of other blue-chip companies.

For the complete seminar, go to .